Lahaina Fire Forward-Looking Report Released
Hawaiߵi state officials released the Lahaina Fire Forward-Looking Report (Phase Three) that organizes the findings from the Lahaina Fire Comprehensive Timeline Report (Phase One) and Lahaina Fire Incident Analysis Report (Phase Two) and prioritizes a list of action items the state and counties can use to make improvements to Hawaii’s future preparation for and response to wildfires, including recommendations on how to address each priority.
Among the most high priority items are staffing of an Office of the State Fire Marshal and engaging state agencies in addressing the Phase Two findings and recommendations. FSRI has also engaged with the Hawaiߵi Department of the Attorney General and Hawaiߵi Wildfire Management Organization to address the preparations needed for the Office of the State Fire Marshal to be effective as soon as possible. Lastly, the report includes a review of the fire codes and standards adoption and use processes for the County of Maui.
Access the Lahaina Fire Forward-Looking Report.
Access the Lahaina Fire Incident Analysis Report released in September 2024.
Access the Lahaina Fire Comprehensive Timeline Report released in April 2024.