Our Leadership

Executive Leadership

Committed to rigorous science, collaboration, education and the application of research findings, our leaders carry out our mission to promote safe living and working environments around the globe

Christopher J. Cramer

Christopher J. Cramer

ron blaustein

Ron Blaustein

ronaldo borger

Ronaldo Borger

kristen delphos

Kristen Delphos

charlotte farmer

Charlotte M. Farmer

Vasu Modekurti

Vasu Modekurti

timothy rivelli

Timothy J. Rivelli

Senior Leadership

marilyn black

Marilyn Black

jill crisman 2

Jill Crisman

Dr. Judy Jeevarajan

Judy Jeevarajan

steve kerber

Steve Kerber

stuart miller

Stuart Miller

Advisory Board to the Chief Research Officer

The Advisory Board to the Chief Research Officer guides our research institutes and offices in leading their expansion and their collective impact on society.

sally creel

Sally Creel

Anne Dailly

Anne Dailly

Dr. Cindy Daniell v2

Cindy Daniell

bruce garrett v2

Bruce C. Garrett

jessica hellmann

Jessica Hellmann

prabhas moghe

Prabhas Moghe

suzanne rivera v2

Suzanne M. Rivera

ThielHeadshot Edited

Adam K. Thiel

holden thorp

Holden Thorp

Gavin Towler

Gavin Towler

Board of Trustees

Governance of UL Research Institutes is guided by a Board of Trustees comprised of individuals with a broad range of backgrounds and professional experiences.

ULRI BOD SEPT2025 edited
George Williams

George A. Williams

James Dollive

James P. Dollive

Phillip Khoury

Philip S. Khoury

Richard Owen

Richard P. Owen

Darryll Pines

Darryll Pines

Jim Shannon

James M. Shannon

Elizabeth Tortad

Elisabeth Tørstad