FSRI Leader Joins Panel on E‑bike and E‑scooter Fire Safety

steve kerber

Dr. Steve Kerber, vice president and executive director of the Fire Safety Research Institute, joined a panel of experts on June 19 at the National Fire Protection Association‘s annual conference to discuss the safety of e-Mobility devices like e-bikes and e-scooters. One of the key points raised during the discussion was the need for more diverse and nuanced messaging to help educate consumers about this growing hazard.

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“It’s a huge challenge,” Kerber said. “What we’re seeing is people trying to modify these batteries to make the bikes faster or to go for longer periods of time without charging. They’re often using people not qualified to do maintenance on these bikes or they themselves don’t know how to fix them, and this creates a very dangerous situation. Public education is important.”

FSRI, in partnership with the Fire Department of the City of New York, researches fire safety hazards of Li-ion battery-powered e-Mobility devices in homes.