Focus on Global Grand Challenges: UL Research Institutes Progress Report
Today’s world faces urgent, complex challenges. Throughout 2022, UL Research Institutes (ULRI) greatly expanded in both scope and scale to focus on three selected challenges — those of producing resilience for a sustainable future, protecting individual and societal health in the 21st century, and mitigating as well as understanding the risks that digital systems pose.
The inaugural ULRI progress report — “Revolutionizing Safety Through Science” — highlights how ULRI’s research institutes and offices are tackling these global challenges in pursuit of a safer and more sustainable future.
“We are working to drive progress toward global goals, transforming ourselves to accelerate discoveries that will help build a future with safety science at its core,” said Dr. Chris Cramer, ULRI senior vice president and chief research officer. “We believe it’s past time to begin forging a safer path through the 21st century than we did through the 20th.”
See how ULRI is revolutionizing safety through science.