Research Advancing Child Safety Published in International Journal

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Research advancing child safety published in International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion

UL Research Institutes, in collaboration with the Center for Public Health at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), completed an important public safety research project on advancing child safety in India, and it is pleased to announce that the findings were published in the June 2020 issue of the International Journal for Injury Control and Safety Promotion, a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering all aspects of injury prevention.

Child injuries have been a growing public health problem in India, with nearly 500,000 child deaths in the last decade. Child injury represents a serious public health threat globally, and yet many of these tragic injuries are preventable and predictable. The publication, “School safety assessment in Bengaluru and Kolar districts, India,” offers an in-depth view of the current child injury situation in school environments. It provides education and information about the many preventative measures that parents, students and school authorities can practice in order to minimize injuries among children. 

The collaboration between UL Research Institutes and NIMHANS, a leading academic institution in India, has produced a first-of-its-kind technical and advocacy report, which provides stakeholders with both practical information and insights that can be used to enact appropriate safety interventions for children in India. By focusing on school environments, Advancing Child Safety in India – Implementation is the Key underscores the need for implementing and augmenting safety measures in schools across India.

The project team mined data from various national and international sources, reviewed prior research results, and analyzed insights and expert recommendations on safety practices. The research was conducted from a sample of 131 schools, selected by stratified random sampling in the Bengaluru and Kolar districts in India. Several versions of the findings (infographics, safety toolkits and more) will be disseminated over the next few months to schools, policymakers and others to ensure that the information collected from this exercise is put into practice.  

Ensuring optimum safety practices in schools can prevent injuries, and promoting child safety has long been a priority, mandated by the Constitution of India. However, progress has often been hampered by limited evidence regarding safety and injury prevention in schools thus far. Underwriters Laboratories and NIMHANS’ safety appraisals represent an important step forward in this area.  

About UL Research Institutes

UL Research Institutes is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to advancing public safety through scientific discovery. Since 1894, our research has advanced our mission toward a safer, more secure and sustainable future. Focused on global risks from fire mitigation and air quality to safe energy storage and digital privacy, we conduct rigorous independent research, analyze safety data and partner with experts to uncover and act on existing and emerging risks to human safety. Discover more at

About The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS)

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) is a multidisciplinary institute for patient care and academic pursuit in the field of mental health and neurosciences.

NIMHANS is synonymous with providing high standards of clinical care, quality training and cutting-edge research in the frontier areas. Combined priorities for comprehensive patient care, manpower development and research, stem from the commitment to an integrated and multidisciplinary approach which addresses societal needs. The advances in genomics, computational neuroscience, mathematical modelling, neuroimaging, molecular biology and a host of new disciplines including public health,  are being translated to help  humanity in need and promote the growth of knowledge.

A special feature of this Institute since its inception is the combination of research and training with promotive, preventive and curative aspects of clinical services in mental health and neurosciences. The Institute provides inputs to the central and state governments in areas including the establishment of new psychiatric facilities, improvement of existing facilities and strategizing a national program for mental health. NIMHANS has emerged as the nodal center for evolving national policies in the field of mental health, neurosciences and injury. To learn more, visit