• Conference

Women of Color STEM DTX Conference Awards

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The 2023 Women of Color STEM DTX Conference will be held from Oct. 12–14 in Detroit, Michigan, and online via the Women of Color STEM DTX Platform. This year’s conference, with the theme of “Oceans of Change, Waves of Opportunities,” aims to explore the transformative potential of diversity and inclusivity in shaping the future of STEM.

This year, attendees will have access to a virtual conference experience that mirrors the in-person event, providing an immersive and interactive environment for networking, knowledge-sharing, and collaboration. The conference will pay close attention to emerging technologies such as the Metaverse and AI, exploring their potential impact on the future of STEM.

During the three-day conference, multiple award presentations will be held to honor the 2023 award recipients for their remarkable achievements in STEM. We are proud to congratulate four of our leaders as winners of the 2023 Women of Color STEM DTX Conference awards, including:

  • Deepa Shankar, director of partnerships, for a Diversity Leadership in Industry award
  • Dr. Kelly Keena, senior director of the Office of Research Experiences and Education, for an Educational Leadership – Corporate Promotion of Education award
  • Dr. Judith Jeevarajan, vice president and executive director of the Electrochemical Safety Research Institute, for a Special Recognition award amongst Leaders and Legends
  • Dr. Gloria Pumpuni-Lenss, director of operations, for a Technology All-Star award

Throughout the event, the Conference will offer forums on the retention of women and girls in STEM, continuous improvement, and networking opportunities. Join us today! 

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