NAATBatt Lithium Battery Recycling Workshop

Migo Szeman Ng will speak at  NAATBatt Workshop on Lithium Battery Recycling 2024
Concordia University Conference Centre
1450 Guy Street, 9th Floor
Montreal, Quebec

The Electrochemical Safety Research Institute (ESRI) has been conducting research on ways to safely and efficiently recycle lithium-ion batteries.

Dr. Migo Szeman Ng, lead research scientist for ESRI, will share research insights at the 7th annual NAATBatt Workshop on Lithium Battery Recycling on the topic "Recycling and Recovery of Active Materials in Aged Commercial Lithium-Ion Batteries" on Aug. 8, in the Innovation in Battery Recycling Forum session, from 1:45 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT, along with other experts in the panel.