Exploring the Impact of Extreme Heat on Human Health



Please join Chemical Insights Research Institute (CIRI) on Sept. 10, 2024, from
2-3 p.m. EDT for the newest session of CIRI’s 2024 webinar series Building Resilience for Health.   

This June had the warmest earth surface temperatures on record for most of the world, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Prolonged amounts of heat and humidity leave people — especially sensitive populations — exposed to poor indoor and outdoor air quality and susceptible to heat-related illnesses and even death. Often overlooked is how the built environment is affected and how research-backed strategies can help professionals and consumers make better decisions to create safer and healthier indoor environments.

During our webinar, “Exploring the Impact of Extreme Heat on Human Health,” we will explore the vast reaches of extreme heat and how to protect yourself and your community from its negative effects. Our expert panelists will define and discuss the urban heat island effect and how this affects vulnerable populations, examine the impact of heat on emissions from building materials, and share strategies for supporting human health in the face of extreme heat. 

Expert panelists include:

  • Alex Azan, MD 
    Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health and the Division of General Internal Medicine and Clinical Innovation at the Grossman School of Medicine at NYU Langone Health 
  • Zach Calhoun
    Civil and Environmental Engineering Doctoral Candidate at Duke University 
  • Patrick Chepaitis
    Laboratory Manager for the Center for Advanced Measurements for Chemical Insights Research Institute at UL Research Institutes
  • Marilyn Black, Ph.D.
    Vice President and Senior Technical and Strategic Advisor for Chemical Insights Research Institute at UL Research Institutes

Watch the first and second webinars in the series on our YouTube channel.